In Nigeria we have tagged EMBER months as a time of great doom and hardship for the people, this is a time when a lot of lives are supposedly lost more than the other months of the year and since the election is coming close this mindset is reinforced strongly
I can’t confirm or deny this belief as it is hearsay, but what I believe in strongly is that I am in this world for a reason and if that reason is not accomplished I am not leaving yet, until I draw my last breadth then I will know my journey has come to and end.
These past years have been really appalling for the world and Nigeria in particular, we suffered the pandemic, the tollgate massacre, record levels of inflation, an entire government that does not favor the populace and so much more
Our thoughts and words mean so much, the kind of thoughts you think would reflect in your life and negative thoughts has a deeper effect on us. This is mainly because your environment and socialization has made it so easy to be mediocre and even support it with ease to get unhealthy things for your body and mind.
For one to stand out from what is popular in our world, one has to be hard working, disciplined, positive and have a mind of your own. These attributes are so essential to your growth and development if you don’t have help from parents or society. The most important attribute for me has to be submitting all I do to God, I mean there’s absolutely nothing you want to do that would succeed without involving the creator.
Take the time to reflect on the past months, think of the goals you set at the start of the year, redefine your goals and commit them to the hands of God and let him direct your every step.
I am learning gradually to include God in every decision I make so I don’t depend on my own “intelligence”. You would be surprised how little you actually know when you do this.
In fact if you can merge God and Hard-work, everything would become easier for you. So don’t think of the last months as a time of loss and fear of death but rather a rebirth of your goals and aspirations. There’s a lot you can achieve in the last months of the year I believe in you that much.
Set new clear and specific goals and don’t forget to keep praying.
Welcome to your best month yet. Cheers.
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